Hey Mikhail,
The HubSpot Cloud Mode destination should support insert functions, so this solution could work for your use case. Insert functions allow you to transform the event data through some code in any custom way before sending it to your destination. After creating the insert function and specifying the new event names, connect it to your HubSpot destination.
As a note, this method will take function hours, and the transformed data will only be available in the destination with the connected insert function. If you are looking to send your transformed data to other destinations outside of HubSpot, Protocols might be something to look into.
Alongside other features, Protocols allows you to make transformations such as renaming events before sending to multiple destinations.
Let me know if you have any questions 
Hi Tyler, that is what I thought but it didn’t work as expected. Hubspot destination kept throwing errors because it was seeing old keys pre-transformation even after the function was attached.
Hey Mikhail - I’ve opened up a ticket on your behalf so that our team can take a look at the workspace and check out what’s going on.