Our company currently uses Google and Facebook for most of our paid advertising, and we're trying to tie our customer's journey from web through to sign up of our app. We use Segment so started using their "Unify" service to try to figure out where our customers came from. However, after much tweaking and even reviewing our setup with Segment, we're still landing at about 48% of our customers signed up with no visibility into any pre-sign up activity (web viewing or ads clicked). Our customers mostly interact via mobile (very little desktop usage).
The question I'm trying to answer for the team is if 48% non-attribution indicates a problem with our setup, or if due to the tightening of privacy and security lately, that's just the "new normal" for tracking user's journeys from web to sign-up? We tried asking Segment, but their response didn’t tell us much, so would love to get some feedback from this community. Any insight is greatly appreciated!