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Has anyone experienced scenarios where hashed email addresses are fed into Segment? We need to create audiences that will be sent back to our Marketing estate, retaining the original encryption of the email addresses. My understanding is that Segment hashes the outbound audience list, which would result in the email field being double hashed. Is there a feature in Segment that allows us to choose which fields to hash? I presume this setting would be in the associated tracking plan?



Segment does pass the hashed value of the email to destinations that are expecting the email to be hashed.  So you really should not pass in a hashed version of the email address in the reserved field “email” because Segment expects that will always be the plain text email address and maps it that way with all native integrations. 


In our setup, we added an identify trait “email_sha256” that we use to store the hashed version of an email address.  This allows us to control what version of the email is sent to specific destinations even if the platform doesn’t have a native Segment integration.


Hope this helps.

