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I’m trying to delete user using the following code:

track({  userId: <userId>,  event: 'User Deleted',})

This is working fine if directly sent to using its analytics library, but using Segment it reach as an event without taking action. can you help to suggest a way to delete user using Segment.


Hi Husam,

Are you using the Actions Destination?

In that destination, you can set Actions. One of the Actions is Delete Person. To use this, in the mappings of the destination, you select the Action Delete Person. Then you set the User Deleted event as the trigger. That should delete the user if you send the event to the Actions Destination.

Hope this helps!

Hi Wouter,
Thanks for the reply.
actually, I did the same as mentioned and I see the mapping is the same as you described:

but I’m receiving the event in in different form. it didn’t remove the user but received as usual event. see the second screenshot


I hope you can help me to understand the exact issue

Hi Husam,

It seems that you have not selected Delete Person but instead chose Track Event, as this is the screen to map event properties.

On the mappings screen, you can click add mapping. Then, scroll down and click Delete Person

Clicking this and saving it will automatically map the User Deleted event to the Delete Person action. It should look like this on the overview of mappings:


Much appreciated Wouter. Its working finally 🙏
