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Hi awesome community,

I’m new to Segment and GA4.  

I have set up a GA4 test account and setup a Segment GA4 Web destination to push to it.  I can see data is going into the test account (however it’s not yet 24 hours so detail limited).  However, my test account is recording higher visitors than production.

The GA4 Web destination setup is much more complex than the others I have done and I’m not sure it’s right.

I don’t suppose anyone would be willing to do a video call with me to double-check my work?


Hi there! Data that goes into GA4 does take some time to refresh so this could be why you aren’t seeing exact matches between the two. Outside of this we would need some additional context to make an accurate assessment to see if it’s something else.

My company is a two-sided marketplace where clients hire and manage freelancers.  We have clients who sign up/login and freelancers who signup and login.  Do I create 2 x sign up actions and 2 x login actions?  Also, do I create an action for each step of the process?
Thanks in advance,


Can you provide a link to the destination and we can go over the mappings in detail for yourself.

Regarding - My company is a two-sided marketplace where clients hire and manage freelancers. We have clients who sign up/login and freelancers who signup and login. Do I create 2 x sign up actions and 2 x login actions? Also, do I create an action for each step of the process?

You can create 1 or 2 of each of these actions you could have a sign up track event mapping that triggers when anyone signs up Or create 2 sign up mappings and 2 sign up track events, or 2 sign up mappings and 1 track event. One track event for when clients sign in and then 1 corresponding mapping, the same would go for a freelance sign in and a mapping. Or have 1 sign in event and 2 mappings, you could create a check in the mapping to see if it is a freelance or client and trigger the corresponding mapping.

Please let me know which options suits yourself and I can provide steps to implement it.I look forward to your response.
