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Hi Segment Community,


I’m currently working on a project where GDPR compliance is non-negotiable, and I need to ensure that user consent preferences are fully respected and enforced. After reviewing the documentation, comprehensive consent management and control over what data is sent to which destinations is only emphasized in the Business tier. Doc link.


So, Is any level of consent control possible in the Team or Free plans?




1. Can I control which destinations (e.g., Google Analytics, Mixpanel) are activated based on user consent preferences in the lower tiers, or is that only available in the Business plan?

2. Are cheaper plans at risk of being non-compliant with GDPR because they lack consent enforcement features, or are there any workarounds that allow at least some control over tracking and data sharing?

3. There used to be (now deprecated) open source project from Segment where one could enable different destinations based on consent when initialising Segment — can these methods still be used?

I want to ensure we comply with GDPR while using a cost-effective plan. Any clarification or advice from experienced people would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks in advance for your help!

Hey Nikitas,

Consent management generally uses the consent field based on user preference, but you can instead utilize the optional integration field to block data from being sent to destinations. More details about this here and here.
If both a consent and integration field exist, Segment looks at the consent field first - but integration can fulfill the same role according to this table.

The logic for whether or not data flows to a downstream destination will need to be handled before the API call is made, and it's likely that you will need a custom wrapper to move consent preferences to the integration field. We have some resources on out-of-the-box solutions for integrating Consent Management Platforms with Segment that may be a good starting point.

Hope this is helpful. Let us know how implementation goes!
