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Last Computed Trait

  • 17 July 2024
  • 3 replies

I am looking to create a computed trait of the last order before May 1st; however, when I pull the preview, it’s bringing in contacts that have an order completed beyond May 1st. 

Check out the screenshots below and let me know where I’m going wrong. 

Thank you!




3 replies

Userlevel 4

Hey @Luke Hancock! The audience build looks correct. I wonder if trying before date of April 30th, 11:59pm would still pull in the user above showing a date completed of May 1st.. Could you give that a try?

As for the second screenshot, our UI will only show events from the last 14 days… that’s why you’re not seeing the April event there… however you’d still see it under traits and can also validate in your data warehouse.

Hey Chauntel, 


Thanks for following up. I’m trying to limit my audience to only ones that had purchased before May 1st. 


My intention is to email inactive customers. Maybe I’m going about it the wrong way. 

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Luke, your Computed Trait will only show the last purchase of a user prior to May 1, even if another purchase occurs, which looks to be what happened for the highlighted user.


My intention is to email inactive customers.

In that case, you can update your Computed Trait to remove the date filter and use it in combination with an Audience to identify users that have `order_last_placed` set AND `order_last_placed` is not in the last XX days. Does that fit your use case?
